One of the four horsemen of the
environmental apocalypse is thought to be Greta Thunberg. It’s amusing that
nobody has observed that she is a little girl with pigtails, a disordered
speech pattern, and no formal schooling. In the past, leaders and tyrants have
been documented employing little girls with pigtails as a front in images used
for public engagement and propaganda. There are countless images of Greta
Thunberg riding trains with the leader of Greenpeace and other notable figures
such as former US VP Al Gore. Greta’s lectures are obviously prepared for
her, and she isn’t really knowledgeable about science or climate
change. What, then, is she? Simply put, she is a tool. She is not a
knowledgeable person advising us on what to do. Hollywood stars like Leonardo
DiCaprio and failed politicians like Al Gore are using her. Actually, none of
them have any knowledge of climate change from a scientific standpoint. And no
one can fully comprehend the environmental platform and its patterns by reading
the manipulated
Georgios Ardavanis – 06/08/2023