Some people view setbacks as opportunities to grow and succeed because they
are inherently resilient. Adversity can even be seen by some as a chance to
succeed. The essence of stoicism is this mindset; contrary to what the term
“stoic” may imply, it does not imply that we suppress or ignore our
feelings. Instead, our feelings come after we realize that it made more sense
to concentrate on the things we could control rather than fretting over the
components of our condition that are beyond our control. Thus, before our
emotions take over us, we are going to take charge of them. I acknowledge that
while I possess some of those abilities, I lack others.
The US Army has discovered that the cognitive abilities that result in
resilience may be taught through several conflicts and Prisoner instances.
Through the application of the same philosophical concepts and methods that the
Athenians, Spartans, Macedonians, and Romans used to overcome their difficult
campaigns at the dawn of Western civilization, the US Army has developed the
“Comprehensive Soldier Fitness,” which aims to teach 1.1 million US
Army soldiers those thinking skills that will upgrade their resilience and take
control of their emotions. Stated differently, the US Army aims to develop a
new breed of tough, philosophical fighters.
So, the question is, do your thoughts play a major role?
“I approached every problem I encountered, whether it was failing an
exam or a disease or getting showdown and shot up the same way: I would fix
what I could fix and I wouldn’t complain about what I couldn’t,” US flight
surgeon Rhonda Cornum said to a group of troops in 2010. Although Rhonda Cornum
does not consider herself a Stoic, the method she employs and teaches was most
eloquently expressed in the second century by Epictetus, a Roman Stoic
Epictetus lists several uncontrollables, including our bodies, our parents,
our coworkers, the weather, the state of the economy, the past, the future, and
the reality that we will all eventually die. Epictetus, however, compiles a
different list of variables under our control, such as our beliefs. That’s it,
too. This could appear to be a fairly constrained sphere of influence.
Nevertheless, the foundation of human freedom, autonomy, and sovereignty is
this tiny window. Epictetus argues that we must develop the ability to control
Zone 1, or our ideas and beliefs. That is our exclusive territory. If we choose
to use our sovereignty, we are the king in Zone 1. We are always free to choose
our thoughts and beliefs. No one can ever force us to believe something against
our choice, according to the Stoics. If we know how to fight brainwashing, no
one can do it to us. “There is no rubber of your free will,” declared
Epictetus. But we have to acknowledge that we are not totally in control of Zone
2—that is, of outside occurrences. The things that occur in the world are
mostly beyond our control. If we don’t come to terms with this, we will spend
most of our lives feeling scared, angry, and miserable.
Georgios Ardavanis – 02/11/2023