Some people are naturally resilient and look at
problems as challenges to overcome. Some people even see adversity as an
opportunity to excel. This attitude is the essence of stoicism, but that does
not mean we hide or deny our emotions, as the popular understanding of the word
“stoic” might suggest. Instead, our feelings follow our recognition
that there is simply no point in panicking over aspects of our situation that
are out of our control and that it made a lot of sense to focus on what we
could control. So we will take control of our emotions before they contain
The US army has learned through several
battles, and POW (Prisoners of War) cases that the thinking skills that lead to
resilience can be taught. The US Army has developed the “Comprehensive
Soldier Fitness,” which aims to introduce 1.1 million US army soldiers
those thinking skills that will upgrade their resilience and take control of
their emotions by using the same philosophical ideas and techniques that
Athenians, Spartans, Macedonians, and Romans used to cope with their grueling
campaigns, at the dawn of western civilization. In other words, the US army is
trying to raise a generation of resilient philosopher warriors. So the question
is whether it is all down to your thoughts. Rhonda Cornum, a US flight surgeon,
told a group of troops in 2010: “I approached every problem I encountered,
whether it was failing an exam or a disease or getting shown down and shot up
the same way: I would fix what I could fix and I wouldn’t complain about what I
couldn’t.” Cornum doesn’t think of herself as a Stoic, but the technique
she practices and teaches was best described by a Roman Stoic philosopher in
the 2nd century called Epictetus.
According to Epictetus, there is a list of
things that are not in our control, such as our body, parents, co-workers, the
weather, the economy, the past, the future, and the fact that we are going to
die. However, Epictetus draws up another list of things in our control, such as
our beliefs. And that’s it. This approach may seem like a minimal field of
management. And yet this tiny window is the basis for human freedom, autonomy,
and sovereignty.
According to Epictetus, we must learn to
exercise our power over Zone 1 – our thoughts and beliefs. That is our
sovereign domain. In Zone 1, we are the king if we choose to exercise our
sovereignty. We always have a choice of what to think and believe. The Stoics
insisted that no one can ever force us to accept something against our will. No
one can brainwash us if we know how to resist them. Epictetus said, “The
rubber of your free will does not exist.” However, we must accept that we
need sovereignty over Zone 2 – over external events. We only have limited
control over what happens worldwide. We must admit this; otherwise, we will be
angry, afraid, and miserable for most of our lives.
Georgios Ardavanis – 02/02/2023