Authoritarians and dictators will disagree, but
democracies work better. It has long been held that decisions made collectively
by large groups of people are more likely to be accurate than decisions made by
individuals. The idea goes back to the “JURY THEOREM” of Nicolas de
Condorcet, an 18th-century French philosopher among the first to apply mathematics
to the social sciences. Now it is becoming clear that group decisions are also
precious for the success of social animals, such as ants, bees, birds, and
dolphins. And those animals may have few things to teach people about
collective decision-making. Specifically, animals that live in groups make two
sorts of choices: (a) consensus decisions in which the group makes a single
collective choice, as when house-hunting rock ants decide where to settle, and
(b) combined decisions, such as the allocation of jobs among worker bees.
Condorcet’s theory describes consensus
decisions, outlining how democratic decisions outperform dictatorial ones. If
each jury member has only partial information, the majority decision is more
likely to be correct than a decision arrived at by an individual juror.
Moreover, the probability of a right decision increases with the size of the
jury. But things become more complicated when information is shared before a
vote is taken. People then have to evaluate the information before making a collective
decision. According to some scientists who have studied group decision-making
in humans and animals, this approach is what bees do, and they do it rather
well. Specifically, a computer model on the decision-making process of the
bees, developed at the London School of Economics (LSE), concluded that the
ability of the bees to identify the best site quickly depends on the interplay
of bees’ interdependence in communicating the whereabouts of the best place and
their independence in confirming this information. This approach is something
that the political members of the various parliaments, congresses, and senates
should think about instead of voting along party political lines, even though
the incentives to do so are far less than at national interests. There is
danger in blindly following the party line, a threat that the honeybees seem to
Thus the dynamics of collective decision-making
are closely interwoven with implementing these decisions. How this pertains to
choices that people might make is unclear. But it does indicate the importance
of recruiting active leaders to a cause because, as the ants and bees have
discovered, the essential thing about collective decision-making is to get
others to follow.
Georgios Ardavanis – 05/05/2023