Η αποτυχία των δημοσκόπων και τα μηνύματα από την εκλογή Τραμπ – © Γεώργιος Αρδαβάνης (Ph.D.)
Η αμερικανική κοινωνία δεν θέλει άλλο πάρε δώσε με τον προοδευτικό ορθολογισμό που προσπαθεί να μας επιβάλλει η παγκοσμιοποίηση....
Η αμερικανική κοινωνία δεν θέλει άλλο πάρε δώσε με τον προοδευτικό ορθολογισμό που προσπαθεί να μας επιβάλλει η παγκοσμιοποίηση....
Ζω στην πραγματικότητα και όχι σε κάποιο φανταστικό κόσμο. Δυστυχώς η σημερινή πραγματικότητα είναι απαράδεκτη και σκληρή. Παρόλα αυτά...
The Design Structure Matrix (DSM) or Dependency Source Matrix is a design modeling method used by engineers to understand...
Humanity needs a spiritual element that restrains the scientific power of modern man. It is becoming more and more...
Today, the majority of engineering project managers present an inefficient role in the ability to activate the value delivery landscape, minimize the project’s risks, control the project’s costs, improve the project’s speed, increase the project’s value, and resolving on time the engineering issues related to interface and integration.
Greeks are afraid of technology. A Greek statistic on 2,741 adults shows that most of them find no critical reason to use computers, not even
The purpose of literature is the purification of the passions, indulgence, perfection or idealization, and empowerment of the soul. Literature is proof that life is not enough. Nevertheless, the dehumanization of today’s literature is a well-known and characteristic phenomenon.
“Let’s get a glimpse of the facts demonstrating why business is not expected to return to pre_Corona Virus (CV) levels until 2023 and the need to implement new austerity programs to weak economies.”
People’s interest in moral pursuits in the modern world has been declining. The Indian leader Nehru once pointed out that humanity is missing an essential element. According to Nehru, this spiritual element curbed modern man’s scientific authority.
It appears that the future of humanity is decided in our absence. Until the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic
The Covid-19 mass communication is manipulated and unbelievably incorrect, bypassing every identified human value and correct possessed by human beings and society.
Περίπου πριν δύο μήνες η δικηγόρος μου με ενημέρωσε για τον θάνατο της Μάτας Κοκκινάκη. Ζητώ συγγνώμη σε όλους τους φίλους και συγγενείς της Μάτας
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